Heroes 3x17 Cold Wars

I’m ok with that.

I still want the Head characters from BSG explained, though.

Oh look nothing new. HRG is a double agent. And they go back to the Artisits Loft…oh and look another big explosion in a city.

Another frakkin’ nuke??? :eek:

C’mon, guys, how about an original idea for a change??? :mad:

I really hope this season they let the damn thing explode. Then I will come back for a new season

They’re like Chakotay’s spirit animals. :smiley:

Actually, it wasn’t that bad. Like I said, I think we’re spoiled by BSG. They kept the themes of the show. Aside from the many Parkman character flaws that Badger pointed out, this episode was meant to put the chess pieces in place for Mama Petrielli.

As we all know, the promos are misleading. HRG will always be HRG.

The things on their chests look like controls for the stuff that they are putting down their noses. It resembles an IV controller.

Muriel, you’re wicked.

Well, it wasn’t terrible.

Ok, gotta go get ready for work. Later, guys!

Yea i never thot he was a bad guy. The idea behind the show is still great but this ep the writing was so awkward.

But now im watching 24. which has greatly redeemed itself this season

Alright I got an idea. Since the consensus is that Heroes is hurting. Let’s try and come up with a better way to get everything in place for Mama. Let’s have our own brainstorming session for this episode. What would have we come up with? What would have worked?

Or we could all just go to bed. :slight_smile:

It is my bedtime. So good night all.

Nite, Leah.

This is what I got so far:


I would have started right off with finding out about Daphne. HRG would have used that as leverage. Shorten up the reveal of Nathan and Hunter’s involvement. We (the audience) already know that. And ended the teaser with the reveal of Suresh and HRG in the cab.

Act I

Fight between Parkman and Suresh. No need for the warehouse, that was foolish for the Heroes to even fall for that. Duh, it’s under surveillance. Instead, make it personal. Mama Peterilli is pulling the strings she would have embedded the memories that would have spoke to Peter and made it about saving his brother Nathan. Introduce the threat from the Hunter and gov’t.

Act II

HRG convinces Peter to help Nathan. They decide to storm Building 26.

Instead of bitching about the show and threatening to abandon it, 'Talos decides to rewrite the whole thing and make it worth watching.

How can you not love that? :slight_smile:

Maybe i will just stop watchmaking and just envision 'Talos’s version. We could have Frak parties to that as well.

Aw shucks! Y’all are the bestest.

Great idea. We’ll just frak “Storytime with 'Talos”. :smiley:

So, in 20 years, some producer a la Ron Moore is going to have a gritty, well-written reimagined Heroes that we’ll all love and we’ll all joke about how unwatchable Heroes was back in the early 2000’s.

I can’t stand this show - yet for some reason I keep watching.

My biggest issue with Heroes in general is that there is no consistant character development. One week someone is good, the next week they are bad. One week that have a certain motivation, the next that motivation has completely changed.

Specifically with this episode - Parkman goes from being a really good guy with a genuine moral compass - to being a guy that is willing to torture people for information. A guy who believes HRG over Mohinder who is his friend and who he shared an apartment and an adopted daughter with (what the hell happened to Molly btw???) I get that he’s messed up about Daphne but seriously? That’s a complete character shift.

The only thing we even learn in this episode is that Noah Bennet is a double agent - um I pretty much already guessed that. Oh and that other guy working with Nathan and Noah is a radical bigot who is really dangerous…yep knew that too.

The only good thing about this entire show is Sylar - cause he’s really interesting and a total badass. Let’s have more of him please thnx.

I do agree that Sylar is still a very compelling character. I also still really like Hiro and Ando. I just want Hiro to get his powers back soon.