Heroes 3x17 Cold Wars

I’m definitely thinking that Matt only sees what he wants him to see. It doesn’t really appear that he can determine whether what he sees is genuine or not.

I really don’t get this. How does this reveal the HRG man to us?

I’d like to think that we’ll soon find that out, but I’m beginning to doubt it. :frowning:

Is that part of the stimulus package?

Touché. :slight_smile:

King looks intriguing for some reason

Well it is a tax write off.

Peter swoops in to save the day. Who didn’t see that coming?

OK, in the first season, Parkman could hear every thought of every person around him. How come he can’t sense the HRG’s presence when he ran off?

I’m intrigued, too. I hope they don’t screw it up, too.

Who wrote this episode. It seems so forced.

I wonder what stopped HRG from jsut driving off anyway

The Hunter creeps me out.

I think i would be OK with this story line if Nathan was not leading the hunt.

Is it a distance thing? Nah. He was able to pick up Daphne in her house from further than HRG was. This is really dumb-down writing. UGH! I promised myself I wouldn’t be hatin’.

My wife just asked, “Why are you watching this?”

I answered, “I don’t know.”

Hey HRG has LOST’s bloody nose.

I think we’re spoiled with BSG.

The writing this episode has been horrible. I am trying to wait till we get back to the Bryan Fuller episodes. He can at least write dialogue

IMDb lists the writer as Tim Kring, the show’s creator. :frowning:

Why stop now? :smiley:

My wife just asked, “Why are you watching this?”

I answered, “I don’t know.”

To be honest, if not for the frak parties, I might have stopped watching by now.

Hey HRG has LOST’s bloody nose.


HRG is giving memories to get rid of his competition. He is continuing the one of them one of us.

You know I was gonna ask if this was a result of the writer’s strike but aren’t we past that lot by now? Fuller is gonna write for this show. Hmmm, that would be a reason to hold on.

just keeping with the theme of all these shows (BSG, LOST, & Heroes) melding. Info-dump…bloody nose. Remember how everyone on the Island is getting a bloody nose from the time jumping.

Yeah, the strike might have explained the first part of this season, but they should be way past that by now.

Fuller is gonna write for this show. Hmmm, that would be a reason to hold on.

What’s he waiting for?