I heard a theory that he can only take one power at a time…that seems plausible now
Anyone else lose HD feed?
You think the Prez was gonna watch ‘24’?
Anyone else lose HD feed?
Maybe, it switched to a different ratio for some reason.
Naa, he is probably watching DVR’d South Park
I like Brea Grant
Breaking and entering an RV, never a good thing.
But at least it’s easy to do!
Hee Hee
“Hiro told me about your super-secret hideout.”
I love Hiro
And HD is back.
Put that shirt down Hiro.
Holy craaaap, Ando is getting buff. Really living up to the superhero motif.
Why do they need need to keep bringing back the painting/drawing the future thing? Uggg. Only part of this new arc that I am not liking.
Why is the dreamquest guy helping? I know evil killed him but what power is driving them to salvation?
“licking” - hmmmmmmm…
Why must they bring in new characters???
Oh never mind. So they can Die. GO SYLAR kill the newbs
Rut Roh. Don’t wanna come home to Syler.
Yay!! I know.