Henry V on St Crispins Day 2010 Frak Party

Thanks, but I already got it memorized…well…not all of it. But the movie version mostly. :smiley:

“I would prick your guts…”

IYKWIM? :stuck_out_tongue:

Aw, l’il Baby Batman. He’s barely a Robin. :stuck_out_tongue:

I was thinking perhaps should someone else wish to join us.

Where are those frakkers? :confused:

Voice not so deep and Batmany yet.

I read an inteview on star trek .com with P. Stewart where he said the Shakespeare role he’s never played put would love to someday: John Falstaff (who is in a couple of the Henry plays).

I expect to see the TARDIS materialize behind Derek Jacobi right here.

Henry “Okay guys, we’re gonna frak with these traitors minds a little and then we’re gonna lick their SorryBarbs. Trust me. It’ll be fun.”

Henry and Scroop have a whole homoerotic thing going on. What’s with that?

He’s not gonna see a woman until the end of the movie. Give him a break.

Lick the sorryBarbs? That’s a whole different kind of movie. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you slap a suspect that you just arrested he may be legally be able to protest the arrest. He should totally do that.

Hey, I wasn’t complaining. :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay. Some typos can be homoerotic too. Sue me.:o

Corporal Nym is such a spoil sport. They were having nice banter on the staircase and he has to go “Shall we shog? The King’ll be gone from South Hampton”.

I’m fairly certain that being personally arrested for treason by the king himself pretty much removes any legal rights you might have.

Fair point.

The actor playing the French king did a nice job playing Hamlet’s father (ghost) in the Mel Gibson Hamlet.

I like the Constable.

Love to hate the Dauphan.

Yeah, I’m wearing full armor. Let that to be a message to all you fraking frenchies.

The dude looks like a tank.