Henry V (1989) 10/25 at 10 PM ET

Yeah, we Brit’s are all smirking at your fancy pants blue get up, Herald.

“right and conscience”? since when do leaders worry about that?

Okay, now I stand up for effect to show I"m REALLY not fraking around Frenchie

It was a more civilized era :slight_smile:

did they have lightsabers too? :smiley:

"Lord Exeter, update our website, and change my status to: ‘Not Fraking Around’ "

Of course. How else could Henry have won against such odds? :slight_smile:

Henry’s quite the compelling speaker

Bear in mind that these were what the GOOD looking peasants looked like


I was wondering if you’d be joining us. :rolleyes:

Sorry for my brief absence. Had to check on my nephew. :slight_smile:

so what happened to Mr B? Do I o-ffend?

Batman! :eek:

Wasn’t in Shatner’s The Captains doc that Patrick Stewart said his dream role someday is to play Fallstaff?

ahhh, how’s the little nipper?

LOL! before his voice got all gravelly

and M!


Woo Hoo! Henry V is the best of the Batman prequels.


Overnight babysitting? You are truly the best brother. Your sister is lucky.

:frowning: So heartbreaking. “I will. I shall”