He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Frak Party

Ok I skipped ahead. Should be relatively synced.

Hehe. Very true.

Everything forward?

Oh you didn’t like Orko. He was ok in my book. Better than Jar jar,but not saying much there. d:

Creepy old castle. :eek:

Legendary horn in A Song of Ice and Fire. Supposed to be able to destroy the Wall that keeps the Others at bay.

Oh, so like Boxy in the new BSG?

What’s with the gargoyle statues?

Sorceress = bald ancient woman from beginning of episode.

“And, here’s Man at Arms, just in time.”

Ah. Not that far yet. :slight_smile:

Oh, so like Boxy in the new BSG?

Pretty much. At least, that’s how I recall it. I know they made Cringer unable to talk, since they thought that was too childish.

I dislike that change and all the sword twirling.

I like seeing Randor kick some ass. :cool:

Is Queen Marlena from Earth in this incarnation?

Evil Lynn looks the same.

I don’t think so. At least, I don’t think they ever say one way or the other.

Evil-Lyn’s kind of awesome here.

Sword-buckle. Ok…

Extendable sword as a belt buckle? That’s a tragedy waiting to happen. :eek:

I like Man at Arm’s morphing (Go go, Power Rangers!) armor.

“Don’t crowd me, boys.” :smiley:

One way or the other…

Gotta say one thing for the kid: He’s quite the runner. Wow.