Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 7/16 @ 10 PM ET

Is there really a need to call him a dick again? =P

quite possibly i can be fickle fickle person :wink:

You know I’d love to see JK write even a novella about the future…After Harry retires from the Aurors he should def be the DADA teacher

Dumbledore and the phoenix was pretty Vulcan cool. Style, indeed.

Dood. I iz noob. :slight_smile: Almost finished with HBP. Remember?

the twins know how to go out with style

Keara is wondering if you read that in Entertainment Weekly…?

The only way that could have been better is if all those rules had bashed Umbridge’s skull in. :smiley:

Oh budge off, you know the story =P

Whatcha mean, that Stephen King thinks Umbridge is one of the worst(as in best) villains ever? Prolly, it’s been awhile though.

and the witch is dead… but props to actress who made us all hate her so much

I keep getting so wrapped up in the movie that I’m forgetting to post.

Since the movie doesn’t make it clear (and I haven’t read the books), I just assumed that the centaurs raped and killed Umbridge, and the one she choked got to wear her skin.

Keara, unforunately, has informed me that that was not the case in the books. :frowning:

Here, here !

Frakkin Percy, you bastard.

Ah so you also believe she got Mr. Hands’d.

Yeah in the book not quite so violent

She is a perfect Bellatrix

Agreed, hate that witch too.

You know Voldemort should have been a woman. JK’s female villains are so much more eviller and better than her male ones.

Bellatrix LeBatSh!tCrazy.

Hermione is so bossy she could have ended the whole war by just telling Voldemort to go sit in the corner.