Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 11/13 @ 10 PM ET

I expected her to say, “In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen!” during the poltergeist moment.

“Why is it when something happens it is always you three?”

“Trust me I’ve been asking myself that for six years.”


Speaking of such moments.

I wonder is anyone in the world has used the ‘got nice skin’ line and has it work for them.

Uncle Tiberius? Heh.

When two people like each other, it could work?

Hehehe Luna :slight_smile:

There’s the outfit!!:slight_smile:

Dunno how I missed that last night…

I knew about the drink though right off.

Lav Lav and Won Won. Blegh.

Poor Hermoine…

“I am the Chosen One.”


Apple = Kobayashi Maru


I always forget that 16 year olds can drink in England

smacks head

I’ve been thinking they were non-alcoholic drinks all this time. Hermoine’s stagger before confused me…

Dragon balls lmao.

Way to pie-block Harry there, Ron.

I like how the father quietly excuses himself…

And, dislike how dense Ron is… Come on, Ron…

Slick move Ron…

Lol! Nice one.