Happy (Pre-Emptive) Birthday, Keara!

You totally read my mind. I was considering updating my avatar for the Thanksgiving Keara arc. Now you’ve done the work for me:D
Uploading Thotfulguy pink PJ avatar now.

What do you mean, I’m not participating? Didn’t you tell me I have to wear my pink… (looking around)… oh, crap.

Whoa! :eek: :smiley:

Ack! Can’t…breathe…laughing…too…hard…


Happy Birthday!!! (tomorrow)

Woooo…I had to take a moment to recover for that one…
Ever have “laughing so hard tears start to roll” and the “hysterical spitake” happen at the same time? That is litterally what you did me with that one my friend.
Well done.

Bringing this thread back to me (oh, and Keara’s birthday)…

Before I made the Keara/Helo animation above, I actually had Keara’s and my Manga faces dancing, but that just wasn’t as funny.
And really, wouldn’t that be more a present to me than to her anyway?
I’m linking to that one here, just so everyone can see what cartoon heads on dancing human bodies look like. Kinda amusing…

Oh, and because it’s my opinion that it can’t be said enough…

Thanks for finding my cherry, Thot. :smiley:

Hey Keara,

Happy early Birthday!

Wait if you’re celebrating your birthday then who’s keeping tabs on RMHPH? :eek:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (early) KEARA!!! :smiley:

Requires a junk report on this one.

Keara’s official GWC job title is “Badger Wrangler”. We should make her business cards.

I thought she was the Grammer Cop! She’s going to need really large business cards if we keep giving her additional job titles!


Given Podcast 127 she sometimes may have to be Flashing Badger Wranger.

That could get dangerous…

or may be right up her alley?

Oh, you guys! I have so much to do and my slave driver, er, The Hubs will be back soon so I can’t stay online long enough to remark individually yet, but I want to say:


[LEFT]I got quite my share (and more) of laughs from reading this thread. You make me feel special–so thanks. Now off to deal with my misbehavin’ children and get the house all clean and shiny(!) for my Thanksgiving guests. Somehow, I think it will be much easier to do now that I have had my spirits extra-lightened by this.



That is all kinds of wrong. searches for brain bleach

Furries. Why did it have to be Furries?