Happy Birthday NothingButTheRain!!

Thank you guys for all the b-day greetings. :smiley:

Happy Birthday! Hope it’s a great day!

Get the gun and bring in the cay!! :smiley:

Happy birthday, NBTR! I brought you a cake:

Hope it’s a great day.

Have a great birthday!

Have a good one!

[b]Happy Birthday NBTR !
Hope you had a great day :smiley:


Thank you, thank you everyone for the birthday greetings. It made me feel warm all over.

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Get the gun and bring in the cat! :smiley:

Happy birthday!

Happy belated Birthday!!

Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day. :slight_smile:

Sent from my ViewPad7 using Tapatalk 2

Happy birthday. What do you hear?

Happy B-day!



Happy Birthday!

Thanks so much for the birthday greetings Time Cadet, dxf, Oddball, Gryper.
I had a great day. Topped off with BSG rewatch - pretty damn special.

Omg! Happy birthday NBTR!

Tks, CYLONmatrix