Happy Birthday beef!!

Happy Beefday Birf !!

“THAT’S OUR MOON, B*****S !!”

Happy Birthday man!

happy b-day!!

Well I am a little late to the party (blame it on work and stuff).

Hope you had a Happy Birthday.

thank u again to everyone :slight_smile:

Happy birthday man! Did they have beef in that last supper spoof picture you got there? :stuck_out_tongue:

Dang! How did you coordinate all those people to spoof the BSG last supper?

It’s a panoramic shot right? :eek:

Happy birthday, Beef!

!!A Late Happy Birthday to You!!

Happy birthday!!!

Happy birthday, dude! It don’t get no beefier than THIS!

'nuff sed.

Happy Birthday Beef! Here’s a cake to help with your Texas meetup withdrawal!

You sed it!!
Happy That’s Our Moon Bitches day!!

Happy Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Day duder!

Happy Birthday, dude! Such a pleasure meeting you!

Happy beefday!

feliz cumple!

Birthday…RRRRRRR.Caaaaakkkkeeee caaaaakkkeee…RRRRR.

What up my homie–have the pimpin Bday. Tell em “I’m BEEF and it’s my birthday. bitches!!”

Peace out!

Happy Birthday Beef! :smiley:

Beef and I had a good time Saturday perusing the Picassos and then gawking at the Grecian Art gallery at the Dallas Museum of Art. It was then that I knew for certain:

I know less than nothing about the art of painting. :frowning:

Happy Birthday Beef!