GWC Podcast #197

Hobbits are clearly the result of Elf + Dorf mating. Think about it. Short like a dorf, pointy ears like an elf, and the dorf beard hair migrated to the tops of the feet

You mean dwarf? Or this guy?


womp womp womp

i really enjoyed the interview with Miracle Laurie. Her story line with Tamoh is my favorite. It sounds like she has accepted the fate of the show. If only I can feel the same way. I think the show has found a formula half way through season one, but with Tamoh’s character joinning the Dollhouse, they had to find a new formula in season 2. They found it 4 episodes in. And it was spectacular.

by the way, when Sean was talking about how he complains but will also get the job done, it reminded me of Topher in the newest episode, telling Topher-V to “Shut up and get to work”, and Topher-V replied “I’m already working, but don’t count on the shutting up part”.

what a fun episode.

Really Excited about this Lord of the Rings arc.

Has there ever been a movie as from Lord of the Rings (Fellowship and the others) that as been Frak Partied three times?

November 18th, 2008

March 24th, 2009

2 weeks ago

Wow, I really can’t express how cool it is for GWC to be doing a Lord the Rings arc.
I absolutely adore the books and the movies.
So here’s my story:

When I around 15 years old, a friend who knew I was into complex boardgames, asked me to check out this game he had just gotten called War of the Ring (1977 version).

I helped him learn the rules and play the game, and enjoyed it. The game has all kinds of army units that fight like any traditional wargame. There’s Rohan armies, Gondor armies, Saruman’s forces, Sauron’s massive orc armies, the Easterlings, etc.
But at the same time, there’s character/leader pieces that represent each of the Fellowship and Gollum and all the major leaders in Middle Earth: Elrond, Galadreil, Imrahil, Denethor, Faramir, the Nine Nazgul, Saruman, Tharandual etc. etc. etc.

Any of these characters can posses the ring if, for whatever reason, Frodo loses it. Interestingly, all the nine Fellowship characters are hidden to the other player–in other words the game peice is inverted so the Sauron player doesn’t know which is which. But if Sauron’s searching orcs or Nazgul, find the Fellowship, the piece is revealed BUT not for the hobbit characters—in other words Sauron would KNOW the piece was a hobbit, but not WHICH hobbit. This nuance of the game fits in perfectly with the book plot because Pippin, Merry and even Sam can essentially be decoys cuz the enemy can’t really tell which hobbit is which (unless Frodo puts on the Ring of course).

So in the game, the massive armies fight one another and meanwhile, the Fellowship player tries to get the Ring to Mt. Doom. And the characters can do individual man-to-man combat too.
Now, keep in mind that I was very familar with this game BEFORE I read the books. So I just assumed that in the book all of the Nine members of the Fellowship eventually make it to Mount Doom and that the Nine Fellowshipers have a knock down rumble against the Nine Nazgul—in fact, in the game that’s often what happens.(and by the way, when Frodo has his Mithril vest AND Sting AND is wearing the Ring, he’s a very tough fighter in battle.
So then I did read the Lord of the Rings books, and after that it was tempting to play the game exactly like the book.

So then my other friend and next door neighbor (who was very much into games too) starting playing War of the Ring with me. And he hadn’t read the books—and he also was/is a brilliant strategist and really likes to win.
So when he played the Fellowship player, instead of sending the Ring to Mordor with just Nine members of the Fellowship (Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pipin, Aragorn, Boromir, Gandalf, Legolas and Gimli), he would add every character he possibily could to the Fellowship, including Theoden, Theodred, Eomer, Eowyn, Imarhil, Faramir, Tharadual, the Dwarf king from the north (I forget his name), etc. I’m not sure if Galadriel, Elrond and Celeborn where permited to move in the game, but I’m sure he woulda sent them too if he could.

So, as a result, the Fellowship ended up being a massive band of 14 or more charcaters arriving at Mount Doom in Mordor, and very easily kicked the 9 Nazgul’s asses. I would complain and say YOU CAN"T DO THAT! You can’t have Denethor and eight more dudes joining the fellowship. That’s crazy?!
But there was nothing in the rules against it.
All that said, I really love the game—and when I imagine any of the characters of Lord of the Rings, I picture them as they are in this game.

…that is, until the movie came out of course.:wink:

Not gonna lie, and I said so as much during the Fellowship of the Ring frak party, I’d totally be adding peeps to the fellowship the whole way. Like your friend. Be like “Arwen, Eomer, Haldir, Faramir, Glorfindel. Party members acquired”


LOL! Can you imagine Gandalf walking into Denethor’s hall, (with Arwen, Eomer, Haldir, Faramir, Glorfindel, the 9 Fellowshipers, Celeborn, Galadriel, Eowyn, Theoden etc. etc. behind him.) and sayin:

Gandalf: So, how ya doing Denethor.

Denethor: What is the meaning of all this? What are all these people doing here!!!

Gandalf: Yeah, here’s the thing. We’re forming this like big Fellowship…more of a gang really… with the goal of bringing the One Ring to Mount Doom and destroying it.

Denethor: Whut!? What the FRAK!!!

Gandalf: Yes…and…we want you to come too, okay?


Speaking of heist flicks, Man on Wire* isn’t as funny as Ocean’s 11. And technically it’s a documentary about a French performance artist walking back & forth on a tightrope between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. But it’s as fine a heist flick as you’ll see this year**. And true.

If you’re a fan of planning, it’s a total must-see.

** But I haven’t seen the new Matt Dillon flick, so maybe I’m wrong***.

*** Heat on Blu-Ray doesn’t count. But, boy, is that a swell flick, too. It’s one of those movies that I always hope is going to somehow end differently this time****.

**** Another is The Great Escape.

I would play the frell out of that game! :smiley:

Thot, that is completely awesome! I would complain loudly & LAUGH the entire time! LOL!

You should bring that to the national meet if you can! That would be a hoot to play!

Definitely do that.

Like I said on Twitter, dibs on Rohan

It is a wonderfull game. And the deck of Event cards hits just about ever significant aspect of the books. (Tom Bombadill included).
I won’t be at the National Meet-Up, but yeah that would of been fun (takes a couple hours to play though and it’s a tad complex).

There’s no “Rohan” player. It’s a two player game Good guys against Evil.
But there are rules to play it as a three player game where the third player controls Saruman and his forces. Saruman can try to capture the Ring and if he gets it, one Nazgul per turn leaves Sauron’s control and becomes controlled by Saruman. Saruman also controls the Dunelings–the kind of savage barbarians that live just to the west of Isengard.

I feel like nobody is going to the ntl meetup…

For those who missed my tweet on the subject:


I found the director’s second to last cut on the Balrog scene. It is equally as awesome, a little surprising and ultimately brilliant. Don’t let the title fool you, I think they were looking for extra internet traffic.

Note that most of the people who aren’t going to make it are the same people who didn’t make the first one. I’m thinking you’ll see at least most of the same people again. :slight_smile:

^ I’m really hoping to be at the meet-up but it depends on whether I still have a job next March.

That was brilliant, Solai!

I wasn’t there the first time <_<

So you’re not coming?