I can second that. The Animated series In my opinion provides a deep introspection of Batman without decades of comics and story to go through. I think there were 4 seasons and a few movies to go on, and quite a lot of it is truly amazing. The further you get into the series the more complex it gets
Spoiler (Though at this point… really?)
There’s a Poison Ivy-centric Episode where she’s settled down with a Husband and kids, who turn out to be Plant-based creatures in different stages of growth. Though there’s action in the episode, it’s really about Pamela Isley wanting to be “normal”. I think the ending, on that note, is a very powerful point.
Also, HARDAC was a pretty awesome Villian. Bob Greenberger is right in that Batman really has one of the most intriguing Rogue Galleries. I really think it’s only because of Batman himself…