GWC 1st Annual Nat'l Meetup: March 20-22, 2009 (Frisco, TX)

I keep thinking, “Who am I going to play Werewolf with now?” That game was one of my favorite parts of the meetup, which might seem strange since I spent so much of the time sleeping. But I only sleep around people I trust, so you can take that as a compliment :slight_smile:

I’ve been reading all the posts on this thread and relate so much to what everyone is saying. I’m still taken aback by how wonderful the experience was. I miss you all terribly and if I dwell on it much longer I may start to cry. I wish bkitty was here to give me a hug.

“so say we all” :slight_smile:

I’m not sure why I torture myself like this, but I just put the meetup flickr pool on slideshow and watched it all the way through. Now I miss you all more… :frowning:

I was also checking out the flickr pool earlier. Great minds think alike ;).

It wouldn’t be Easter without a little BunnyTalos to make you smile. :smiley:

I did not know that this thread has continued to discuss the meetup and our feelings about it.

I was to be picked up by Topgun who put up with my paranoia of being left behind. He was a bit late, due to the lying bitch of a GPS that did not know of the new streets. A car pulls up and a lady jumps out. We look at each other and see dog tags and know we are family.

That was the feeling I got since many of us knew each other for a year or more. I felt safe and hopped in the car. We joked and chatted as if we were long lost friends.

Many of us reflected on the fact we do not usually do well in a large social group, but somehow felt comfortable. The weekend was like a family reunion. No one was a stranger. I did get the names a bit mixed up, but we all seemed to talk the same language. We talked BSG to who is a werewolf. I must say that I have not stayed up all night for some time and I still felt the weekend was to short.

When leaving I felt as if the family reunion was over and I should see you all next year. I hope it is true.

I did the same thing yesterday and wondered if we could do this again…soon. :slight_smile: I love watching the pictures in slideshow mode.

I have but 1 thing to say.
Tell me the dates for next year, I’ll buy the airfare, gear, hotel, car etc. Now.

That is a very economical way to travel. :smiley:

I can’t help read this thread and not get choked up a bit.
I wasn’t even at the meet-up and I feel like can totally relate to what the experience must have been like. I mean obviously I don’t really know. But I know I woulda totally reveled in hanging with this awesome-bunch-of-strangers-who-aren’t-strangers. What an amazing thing.

Yeah, the closest I’ve had to that experience was meeting up with Armando. It’s a poor substitute, I’ll admit, but it was amazing how well we got along, even when delving into the finer points of IP law (we just had to geek out completely, to keep it real.)

I can only imagine what that must be like with dozens of people.

Baker’s Dozens!

It was an awesome time with a side of awesome, smothered in awesome sauce!

So worth it.

I still miss my digital family. :o

Sending the love back at you.