Thats not the Zoo in Tampa that i remember…plus its now called the Lowry Park Zoo.
Thats a pretty sweet prision
And that is exacTly why i would make my mob drug test.
I forgot that Samuel L was in this.
I love that everyone broke the spending rules.
and thats why i would never get into bed with the mob.
Wow everyone who was part of the job got wacked
See Tommy your bad attitude and dropping to many bodies gets you wacked
Someone is getting a little paranoid
Holy Shit…That was Clay Davis from the Wire!!
Its awesome that in the midst of the biggest breakdown he is mostly concerend with the sauce.
It interesting that the airline ticket is blacked out.
Those are some throwback Pepsi cans
and Debi Mazar too! I didnt recognize her. i didnr realize she was that old either.
I always remembered this scene being earlier in the movie (where jimmy tries to wack Karen)
What a great movie.