Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence 2/19 @ 7 PM ET

Infiltrating their vision,… sweeeet!

I don’t mind dubs, in general.

Also, considering the picture quality, I’m not sure reading subtitles would be too easy.

feeling crabby?:smiley:


You’re ahead.

The dude reminds me of someone from the Battle Angel OAV.

Am I? He’s looking at his hand after the convenience store right now.

Sounds like 30 seconds ahead unless you type fast.

I do. :slight_smile:

Lol @ the dog faces.

The mutt is stealing the show. d:

Locus Solis?

The Place of the Sun?

No one told me this was a John Wu movie.

Some organization.


at the scenery.

Techno-Gothic architecture?

Blade Runner

The parade rocks!

Kim is a pretty common name, though. :rolleyes:

What are they burning? Dolls?

The puppets from the parade…

This part confused the Hell out of me until I caught on…