Gargoyles Frak Party

Not quite the same ring.

Riker’s line coming up. d:

"It’s alive… Alive!

“I’ve always wanted to say that.”

Me, too, David, me, too.

You got your science in my sorcery!
You got your sorcery in my science! :smiley:

snickers (:

“It’s alive! Alive! I’ve always wanted to say that.” :smiley:


I love his Creamery. :stuck_out_tongue:

Bambi needs some explosions.

“I don’t remember any explosions in Bambi.”

Just wait for the Michael Bay reboot! :stuck_out_tongue:

“Looks like our boy is having trouble making friends.”

True, but groans

Noble sacrifice. Tragic redemption.

Of course, Coldstone would sink a lot faster than Goliath would, not to mention the logistics of making a jetpack fire underwater.

“I need… a detective.”

IYKWIM. :groucho:

So, what did you guys think?

I see what you mean.

I still like it. I dunno if I like more or less than when I first watched.

Yeah. That one always gets me. Tonight was no exception.

These first few are good, but they’re really just laying the foundation for where the story goes. Good episodes, but even better ones to come.

I think Pike would like it. Any word why he stopped?