Game of Thrones 2x05 The Ghost of Harrenhal

She was smug about the withholding of information. Tyrion holds more card, though. And more brains.

What the heck is Wildfire?

Side note, off topic? For all the red wine thee people consume, they should all have teeth bluer than Smurfs.

Smart as Tyrion is, I always worry about him being taken out by brute force. That’s usually how smart people meet their end. :frowning:

The horse that the awful song from the 70s was about?

Wine was safer than water back then.


Stannis didn’t win anything from Renly much less bannermen. He killed his brother for them.

I’ll bet GreyJoy wreaks frakkin havoc with that ship. Waaaay past what is expected.

Rule 1: You’re challenged like a nobody? Shove your sword through the bastard. Respect +1

Reminds me of The Black Pearl. Where’s Captain Jack Sparrow?

Exactly what I was thinking. Although he could be useful in battle…

The amount of respect and admiration I have for Arya grows with every line they hand her. Atta girl.

Damn she is good. Most powerful scene of the episode so far.

The Horn of Boromir!!

K. So “wildfire” is napalm? Sort of?

I’m surprised that big one hasn’t lost any weight yet.

Pig’s shit is a real push-up market in this day and age. Don’t knock it.

Tyrion Lannister has just obtained the ultimate weapon…

Would have meant more if Boromir had blown it. But still good.