Game of Thrones 2x04 Garden of Bones

“He’s dead. He was my son. My sister was three days ago. My husband, the day before.”

Ain’t she a ball of laughs? :groucho:

Oh Lady Cat definitely has claws she’s willing to use

“…fate has given us this chance…”

Dude. Are you fuckin’ serious? :mad:


Gwyneth Paltrow’s head.

it’s extremely dusty in here right now :frowning:

Oh Hotpie, I’d have peed myself too

“Seriously, and have you tried the Wifi here? It’s terrible.”

oh my gods this is worse than reading it!

I love how everyone instantly knows what that rat is going to be doing. Props for using a real medieval torture.

The title of this episode should have been “Each Moment More Fucked Up Than the Last”. :eek:

Gordon Ramsey? Harrenhal must be a kitchen nightmare.

“Is he a ham?” :smiley:

Pride goeth before a fall

Oh this looks welcoming

“I am not a liar.”
“Oh, I don’t think you are, but as we’ve only just met, my opinion on the matter is of little value.” :slight_smile:

Oh yay! Xaro!!!


“The greatest city that ever was or will be.”

Daeny is writing checks her dragons can’t cash yet.

UGH! Cutting your hand like that is the dumbest thing in the world!

“The Thirteen have spoken.”
“I am one of The Thirteen, and I am still speaking.” :cool: