Game of Thrones 2x04 Garden of Bones

Whoa. Awful make-up work for that lighting choice, folks.

nicely done. so few people use that word correctly these days :wink:

I suspect that every episode this season will have finger nails on the chalkboard moments. I shouldn’t be surprised, considering the books

Aw that’s just not right! NOT RIGHT AT ALL

Something wicked this way comes

Holy unholy!!!

Frak. The. Whut?

Wow! She’s feeling not so fresh!

My retinal nerves just tried to reach back and throttle my brain. WHAT THE FRAK WAS THAT?

Well, that can’t ever be unseen. Holy Frak!

So, last question, seeing “scenes from next week”. If they shoot a fair deal in Ireland, where do they film the northern scenes, in the snow?

The snowy bits of ireland? Throw Aset a tweet she’ll know

The girls in GIRLS are too close to Conner’s age- I tried to watch it and I just can’t. VEEP looks good though.

I think I like Girls imma need a few more eps to be sure


Haven’t seen the show yet but if it’s an oath of some kind then it makes sense. You’re bonding yourself to whatever purpose or person through a willing show of pain.


Yeah, I’ve been looking forward to see how the show would tackle this scene, and here we are. We will never unsee that! :smiley:

(I’ve got a lot of book related comments, so I’ll go to the HBO GoT thread for that)

But yeah, Girls is a very interesting and well written show so far. I personally am loving it, but it seems a rather divisive show based on what I’m hearing. People either love it or hate it.

Veep also seems promising. I think the cast is pretty awesome too, which always helps with new shows.

Basically, Sunday night is a bloodbath for tv shows, between GoT and MM, and now throw in Veep and Girls too. It’s a weird complaint, but dang, HBO and AMC, you’re killing me with all this good stuff.

And THAT is why Stannis is clearly most qualified to be king!


Intro: 2 new shiny locations with Harrenhal and Qarth, but I get tired of them using locations which aren’t featured in the episode

Robb’s Camp: Oh, that was Grey Wind, didn’t recognize him the first time around.
Roose Bolton, a creepy SOB as I’ve imagined him.
The folly sound they used for slicing off the lad’s leg is giving me goosebumps. shudder
Talisa really has a spunky attitude. The actions in the backgrounds are phenomenal. And Volantis is really far away.

King’s Landing: No wonder why Jack Gleeson wants to quit acting after Game of Thrones. He is great, but his character so despicable.
Tyrion and Bronn for the rescue. Love Bronn’s accent. Oh, the Hound gives Sansa part of his cloak.
What a sweet scene with Tyrion and Sansa, maybe a tiny bit of foreshadowing. :slight_smile:

That scene with Joffrey, Ros and the other whore, I see why they filmed it but it was IMO longer than it needed to be.
Oh Lancel coughused My face is smiling all the way through this scene seeing how Tyrion plays with Lancel.

Renley’s Camp: Smart move from Littlefinger to present Cat with Ned’s remains so she might think over his offer.
Love the soundtrack and landscape during the meeting of Renly and Stannis.

Essos: Where should Dany go next? :smiley:

Hmmm, what wants Daxos gain with his invite for Dany?

Harrenhal: No wonder why all its Lords are cursed :eek:

Ahh, the reciting of Arya’s Death List.
Tywin…finally we see him again. I wonder how his relationship with Arya will evolve.

Ending scene: Are they supposed to sneak into Storm’s End?
This is as creepy as described in the books. I wonder what people thought of it without any foreknowledge. Oh, her gem is glowing again…this can’t be good!!