Game of Thrones 1x02 The Kingsroad

I expected to see Jayne peeking though the tent door.

“To easily words of war become acts of war.” :cool:

Nice one!!

Yeah, I also like it this way better.

Uhhh a hair. Damn that don’t have CSI there. lol

Wait, what’s this? Handholds all over the walls? This was obviously the work of…

puts on sunglasses

Brandon the Builder!

Ah, there’s Theon. The dopey-looking one.

Yeah, pike I’m not happy with that either tbh

And don’t mess with Cate!

I dunno where you are, but IDBIMB!

There aren’t that many blond folk around. Doesn’t take a lot of investigation in this case.

Oh! NOW I get what that thing is. It’s a Dreamcatcher of the Seven Gods. Clever.

“Dothraki take slaves like a hound takes a bitch.” :smiley:

“…but in this tent he belongs to you.” yeah…def IMB!

Oh my! /Takei

Someone is S/S shipping…

What? No more direwolf-style? :eek:

Also, Momoa butt! :stuck_out_tongue:

I have no idea what that means. :confused:

Dothraki is the new Klingon.

HOLY FRAK! nekkid Mamoa! IBIMB

Prolly for the best…

For such a young actress playing such difficult scenes…WOW!

Could this prince be any douchier?