Game of Thrones 1x01 Winter Is Coming

No kidding! Very cool.

So how long till we see boobs? I say before we hit 15 minute

I wager between 30 and 40

I had to listen thru this part twice to get that the guy getting the blade was the guy in the opening

Compensating for something Stark?

How long before they zoom in on the dong? Oh wait, EJO isn’t directing is he?

And we are reaching the moment where we saw the preview up to

I may not post too much while watching. Haven’t seen/read any of this! Might have to actually pay attention. :slight_smile:

wow–that pre-credits scene was chilling
get it??

That is a real dead deer. Gotta be

Blech! Rotten elk carcass. Where’s Bear Grylls when you need him??

Little puppy is so cyuuuute

You get a puppy! You get a puppy! You get a puppy!

Stark you are a grumpy father. Cosby would let them have the puppies

The Stone eye things is damn creepy

Well the boob timing has surpassed my estimate

I like the castles, just a lil different but very cool.

That is STILL a really big sword

Ravens a freaking blabbermouth…damn

It wont get smaller till it gets much colder