Fringe 5x01 Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11


Could Etta be the Unifier of the ideas/thots?

Almost identical, in fact. :wink:

Well her cover is broken.

So it WAS him! I just didn’t wanna be the one who can’t distinguish Idians/Pakistanis. :smiley:

Looks like the last bit was so gripping that we didn’t wanna post. :smiley:

I liked thos Premiere a lot! Just shows what a great idea FRINGE is, especially now with a big story-arc in a season. John Noble killed it again!

Bump starting a new watch at 3:36

Or 3:45. Whevs!

In a field of yellow flowers underneath the sun…

they’ve never done this kind of intro. Don’t know if I like it. But maybe it’s something Walter is actually saying to the resistance.

I think they had to explain the timejump after part 1 was 4 episodes ago lol

that’s a worse way to lose Olivia than her getting shot in the chest by Jones’ people.
So that bullet… Liv’s?

I assume so, one that was in her head.


Um, if I were Etta, I’d be kind of pissed if Olivia were alive and had never come for me.

She’s gotta be in Amber right?

She sounds a lot like Olive

so what did Peter do that Walter counted as abandonment? He was with them in the amber, after all.

This black market is way Blade Runner

Really? Using her as a coffee table? what the frak

I would love if they made time to explore this season what the impact of losing your child’s childhood despite no time passing for you actually has. I had so wanted Who to do something with that.

That is really, really creepy.

Maybe put a mattress on the wall? idk just a thought

You should NOT be doing this with your daughter, Peter. You can’t keep your emotions out. Not that you have a choice.