Fringe 4x21 Brave New World Part I

return of Bell

I’m so glad they brought back DRJ but fuck I hate him


I can’t believe he went back voluntarily

he’s a fantastic bad guy.

Bell is the trickster god of the Fringe multiverse. That’s not good chess philosophy but it IS good philosophy for an egomaniac who’s ready to fill the vacuum.

The Bishop… which Bishop?

Is this ep written by someone unusual. Writing is tight, incredibly good.

I know. I’m glad he brought Peter. Walter is trying so hard to be brave for Peter. He’s curing himself through sheer force of will.

This admin is like 12

Walter was hallucinating about 4-legged females…?

Walter only hallucinates about bitches

Um. Did Independence Day just happen?!

12 y/o admin is John Noble’s daughter.

Oh crap Boston is about to turn into Centralia


…just shoot it from the street.

if DRJ is on a mission to elim one of the Bishops, this seems like a very good way to lure him in

Wait. You’re a fan of easy bake ovens? Really? You?

I did a LOT of babysitting. I’m actually pretty anti EBOs bc they produce truly terrible food and the marketing is awful. But as a perfect little Walter idiosyncracy it’s nice.

this is waaayyyyy creepier than what I thought her powers really were

Yeah eat shit DRJ

what the frak was that?! Why did DRJ disintegrate?

I figured you’d be against it cause of the reinforcing stereotypical gender roles things