Fringe 4x14 The End of All Things

does she have all Nina’s memories? It doesn’t seem so.

Holy mediocre CGI, Batman!

I was kinda hoping for rotoscoped again =\

The Big Bang? Whoa…

Kinda figured that about the Observers

I sure as hell hope they aren’t the future of humanity. Creepers.

Holy crap… Henry…

I totally forgot they had a kid! Fffffff

so in this timeline, what happened to Henry? Do we even know?

Henry doesn’t exist here.

Go home… to the apartment he shared with Olivia? To the other universe? ARGH!

Observers have super speed?

Wow, Lee needs to cut his attitude.

He’s got a crush let him be

Check your corners jackass. Won’t get hit by a pipe!

that makes no sense but ok. I guess it must be true.

Burn Unit… this place is an abandoned hospital.

he should totally know that, too

Leland? What are the chances…

Oh hell… you’ve made her mad now…

Oh DRJ you do not know who you are fucking with