Fringe 4x06 And Those We've Left Behind

early onset Alzheimers. Time dialates in her brain… and for some reason also in his general area.

Goooooooooood song

He gets 47 minutes. The same 47? Is what she’s solving important? Is it a race against time somehow?

How much you wanna bet this episode is 47 minutes long

Interesting parallel, Peter dreams of a “perfect” day, and Milton lives through it 47 minutes at a time.

oooh, good call. I like it.

I don’t think it’s a perfect day. I think he gets this 47m over and over and it’s agonizing.

Well that sucks for that guy!

that is potentially the single cheesiest effect ever on this show. A time bubble that looks like a soap bubble.

Agreed it’s torturous

I KNOW WHAT A FARADAY CAGE IS because Walter was an obsessive fan of Lost.

I want a Spiderman fanny pack.

Okay he’s crossed over from nuts mean (Spider-man fanny pack lol) actually mean and to Liv :frowning:

If you ever wore a spider-man fanny pack in public id die of laughter. Then shun you forever

You would love it. Be honest. You’d ask Samantha to sew you one, too.

Maybe a punisher one. But It’d need a gun in it. You know discreet security =P

So did the husband not leave the house for 4 years? How did he get food, more pills for each morning?

I’m no scientist baboon but I thought faraday cages had to surround all the way

I don’t think he went back everyday, just recently cause he got close.

They just have to disperse the field.

If you were a scientist baboon you’d understand.