Fringe 4x03 Alone in the World

Brain grapes for Aaron!

Also, Dear Jasika Nicole, want to be my girlfriend?

I hope it doesn’t take that long. I want Peter back by midwinter break, so like ep 10.

Hot wife and still want celebrity girlfriend. Soooooooooo greedy

now that’s the horror movie shit I’ve come to know and love from my Fringe

She can be S’s girlfriend, too. I’m a good sharer. Very generous.

I hope Walter adopts this little dude. He can be the replacement for Gene the Cow.

I’m glad they made the “Non-drill-into-your-brain” helmet in this timeline

Awwwww he is giving up some of the pieces of Peter that hold him back. Good. But not right.

Is that the first people book? Is he going to take out his own brain grapes? Is he self-lobotomizing???


Well shit we were both wrong looks like

Maybe he’ll be the new Tigh.

fraaaaakkkkkk Olivia is seeing him, too!

yep. Wow. That was thrilling.

And we have to wait a week for more. This is gonna be torture.

I want to watch the next one NOW! I can’t… but could we maybe fit in another one this week? Saturday?

I’m flexible like that

Sweet. Saturday. I’ll figure out my schedule asap.

You really are figuring out stuff. I would have loved to be a part of your frak parties. Effing time difference!!

BTW, where is Gene??!

Again shows what a talented actor John Noble is and what TV landscape will loose after this last season of Fringe.