Fringe 4/10 "Forced Perspective"

It looks like he’s using the christmas lights from when that autistic kid got kidnapped to figure out the formula for going through walls

This is kind of awful to do to her…

I think that her dad is actually somehow special and running from things. That he’s suppressed whatever talent he has and has been living in fear a lot longer than his kid has been around.

That’s quite a large bomb.

Wait…what? How is his signal blocked by also broadcasting on it? Huh.

Our Olivia was never so good at the psychology as this one is.

I actually want to cry. That guy is so sad and pathetic.

Ok, my theory about her dad was wrong.

what the hell did she die of? She wasn’t even outside for a full day!

Nina, fall down an elevator shaft and die, please.

onto spikes kthnx

and get bit by 1,000 scorpions while you bleed out

and be pooed on

Scorpions don’t bite! They sting, m’kay?! :stuck_out_tongue: