Fringe 3x21 The Last Sam Weiss

Just got a chance to watch. And I’ll just say Holy Crom.

Oh Peter, such a becoming hat…

Sweet - the Doors are a nice touch here, even tho it turned into a Ford commerical :wink:

Car Dad - don’t be a hero - hero can be a synonym for dead

Sam is usually quite under control - he’s showing some stress here…by the way he really looks a lot like author Jim Butcher…

I’m not the first Sam Weiss - shades of National Treasure here in the crypt

Samwise? Did he really say it that way?

Hosiptal Equipment usually has alarms to alert the staff when you rip out your iv and electrodes don’t they?

So is it amnesia or Peter just not wanting to give his name? Hospital wristband would have his name, at least first initial & last name.

Evidently it’s amnesia…

Patron museum member since 1982. :slight_smile:

Oh cool! I so didn’t see that coming! :slight_smile: Olivia is the alternate key for the machine. So what does that make Fauxlivia and Peter’s baby? They only used the Peter-parts of his DNA to activate, but what if they had used all of it?

Remember Olivia has to be really afraid for the mind mojo to work…I Want to Believe

Oh frak - Peter thinks he’s in the alt-verse? And wants to see Walternate? With a silver dollar? There’s something really wrong here.

Well, confused isn’t as bad as it could be.

Damn, the I love you is a really bad sign…now he can die happy

WTF!!! 2021?!? Now they need to tell us what Peter did in the machine to make our world survive (since the towers fell, it is our universe and not the alternate - or possibly a mashup universe mixing up both)…

Check out the scenes for next week:
[spoiler]Looks like we’re back to the beginning with reopening the lab and Walter under arrest? I’m not sure I’m game for a rehash of that not so old storyline.[/spoiler]

Now that I’ve slept on it, I’m with the mashup theory. They gave us a hint at that when Peter awoke in the hospital and had memories from the other universe. Once Peter turns on the machine, he wakes up on the streets of NYC. There is a momument honoring the Twin Towers of 2001 and some other event of 2021, signifying our universe. Then Peter is approached by a soldier wearing the Fringe patch of the other universe. Somehow the two universe have become one. I wonder if all the memories have merged and folks that were dead in one universe are now alive. This could make for a very interesting fourth season.

Thanks! This theory sounds really intriguing and I hope you’re right. Wanna bet he will be married to Redverse Olivia?
And BTW, will we see the guy who is supposed to kill Olivia before the season is over?

I agree with the mashup idea. This show is so awesome!