Fringe 3x10 Firefly

Oh, I’m just not even getting close to that one. :wink:

Oh no, Bobby was hit by that firefly girl’s dad’s car.

Oh, god! weep

And the firefly girl was Olivia! :eek:

But Olivia wouldn’t have been there, then, would she?

I’m troubled by the direction of this episode. I understand needing to have Walter face the truth about the impact of his choice to save Peter. But frankly life is full of decisions that could negatively impact others. And you can’t be held responsible for all of the unintended results of your actions. If you try to minimize the impact of your actions, pretty soon you stop doing anything at all.

I’m not sure where she would have been, maybe still Jacksonville, FL?

That was my thought.

How do we know?

OTOH, the consequences of Walter’s actions have been cosmically substantial.

Maybe they were on vacation?

OK, I officially have no idea what’s going on. :confused:

OTOH, the consequences of Walter’s actions have been cosmically substantial.

Very true, but I’m thinking if you extrapolate it out to real life, ordinary folks. Probably just in too serious of a mood. :slight_smile:

So Peter’s all right and this was all just about teaching Walter a lesson? So he’s less tempted to do it again?

Me, too!

Maybe, but that seems too easy…

Kelly? LOL! Poor Astrid :rolleyes:

:eek: Oh no! Peter! Not the smart-milk.

Good thing Peter’s already taken an anti-coagulant - aspirin

Or he was setting up a new level of dominoes?

Was all this intended to make Peter smarter instead of Walter?

~If I only had a brain~

If I only had a brain…

So this was actually about saving Walter’s life? Not a bit egotistical is our Walter?

Oh. That makes sense.

In the most convoluted way possible. :smiley: