Fringe 3x08 Entrada

Penn Station…somehow this place is ringing a bell for me, but I can’t pinpoint what its significance was.

Not a sound I would like to hear anytime. YIKES!! :eek:
And what a freaky fixture device Olivia is in.

Oh yeah, the typical adrenaline shot. lol

Well Olivia. You better think of another way to cross over, FAST!!

Green taxis and a Mercy Ballet on the other side. :cool:

Peter, you’re clever!! Did not think for a second that it would be the shapeshifter.

Good to see the old sensory deprivation tank again. I only hope that we won’t have to see Mark Valley again in her head. lol

headslam Sea salt so that she will float. Why do I think too complicated about such things??!

Broyles will be sacrificing himself. :frowning:

I’ve got a bad feeling about this. It’s 4 pm and Walter is recognizing something.

HOLY FRAK!!! Crispy Broyles. :eek:

Really great episode. I only missed a bigger cliffhanger at the last scene, besides that the missing piece was smuggled out and is still on this universe.

BRILLIANT episode! Just frakkin OSSIM

Just popping in to share the love for this episode with y’all… :smiley:

Anyone else clap and do a happy dance when OurLivia emerged from that tank? <raises hand> And, FauxLivia is a completely appropriate moniker–that woman is false false false! I hope we see some of her interactions with alt-Charlie and Lincoln, where they realize she’s been “off” for the last 8 weeks…