Fringe 3X04 Do Shapeshifters Dream of Electric Sheep?

Sad to report that I had the exact same thot as you. IYKWIM.

I saw his look at Walter in the elevator, but Folivia got her instructions over the inter-dimensional typewriter that she should work on Walter. So they still need him.

It feels liek they are setting things up so that Folviia will have some type of conflict about her mission.

I can’t wait for the Walter/Walternate face off. It’s gotta happen


ok…Walternate is just evil…period

Evidently it was not “Lost in Space” (I thought so too.) According to TWoP, it’s “The Invisible Boy.” The trailer is here: and the implications totally freak me out, given Peter’s situation with the Doomsday machine.

Off topic, evidently Robbie the Robot was a bit of a star in his own right–appearing in multiple movies and shows. So our confusion is justified.

Thank you. I only guessed it was Lost in Space. I didn’t recognize the scene. It figures that Robbie would be in other stuff. A prop like that you don’t let go to waste. :smiley: