Fringe 2x17 Olivia. In the Lab. With the Revolver

“Some truths can do more harm than good.”

Not telling Peter is a crime. Well, an alternate universe crime.

You go Walter. Tell Peter.

I recognized my following citizen, the first victim was played by Diana Kruger (from National Treasure, Troy). Maybe cause she’s together with Joshua Jackson.


A suitably Lovecraftian locale. :eek:

Looking for kids that he used to go to school with? Another Cortexiphan kid?

:eek: Skin-to-skin touch! :eek:

ETA: And that didn’t take long to get horrific. :eek:

She’s like a giant mass of tumors! :eek:

So can Olivia still see the glimmer? That could get annoying.

“By the time you got down to the bottom, your testicles would be in your mouth.”
“I’m sure Agent Dunham is very thankful for that image.” :smiley:

“I took your Advanced Biochem seminar, Dr. Bishop.”
“Oh, I apologize. I remember I was a bit of a slave-driver.” :smiley:

“Could you get a sample of this pus, Peter?”
“I always get the good jobs.” :smiley:

“When you open your mind to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth.” :cool:

You better move that visor further down, Astrid. :eek:

She’s completely cut Peter off now. :frowning:

It’s not his fault, Olivia.

Stirring that taffy like that is going to make a lot of crystals.

“I’m sure he would understand.”
“No, he won’t. He would never forgive me.” :frowning:

Cancer boy looks a lot better now. Does he pass it on and then go into remission?

ETA: Well, he did look better. :eek:

So why is targeting these people?

ETA: Olivia’s wondering the same thing. :slight_smile:

Oh, Peter. You’re so, so wrong. :frowning:

Timothy Michael Ober? Another Cortexiphan kid?

Someone knocking? At midnight? During scotch time? :eek: