Forget Boobs and Baltar, bring on the Arm Porn!

Mmmmmmm - yummy.

That’s gotta be one heck of a cup though…

Duct Tape.:eek:

Or perhaps steroid-induced shrinkage?

Now why did you have to ruin the moment. :eek:

More Olympic arm porn!

The USA’s Olympic Bronze medal winners in gymnastics!

I think that this thread is going to require some study, reflection, and rag to mop up the drool.

Wow, now that is arm porn. Great choice.

You also have to find some great arm porn to share. It is the rule. Ok, we will let you first reflect and study. :stuck_out_tongue:

This photo is GF approved.

I’m going to watch beach volleyball.

What the frak? GUYS play this? Gorram it!

Well, I do have one.

Isn’t that sad. :stuck_out_tongue:

That is the idea. Welcome to the club. I best get to work on some pictures or they will kick me out soon. :slight_smile:

okay, there’s nothing porny–arm or otherwise–about this pic, but I find Nathan in it absolutely irresistible


There is nothing sexier than a man playing with kids. :slight_smile:


OK that’s just wrong.

That’s a super-sweet pic though.

is that as in “diabetic coma-inducing”?

This is where Solai posts the smack smiley. (sorry haven’t saved the icon yet)

Doh! You know what I mean…

The problem is they really do know what you mean but in a sign of love they will harass you about it. IYKWIM

Be kind we were all young alpacas once.

All I can think since seeing that picture was, “We were all alpacas once. And then we were shorn.”

I have no idea what that means but I’ve been making myself giggle ever since it occurred to me.

Must now go in search of arm porn…

Perhaps, “We were Alpacas once, and shorn.

In keeping with the Olympics theme…