They did the animation work in this. The flying saucer and the monster later in the film.
Oscar Goldman?!?
there’s a monster!!! talos, no spoilers!!!
And a robot!
hey talos, is that Rojan?
J. J. Adams, commanding.
Oh, you’re kiddin around…
Yep. That’s Warren Stevens playing “Doc”
What are to do with him?
Shame on oh if you have not seen it since the 50s all is forgiven.
These guys are making an ID-iotic decision in ignoring this guy’s pleas.
Look at that frakkin landscape. This is 1956, people. Some awesome stuff there.
Sorry I’m late, again.
Time check? I’m watching on the web link, so there’s the Cinemated Man intro thing. How about a scene check?
C’mon!! It’s a 1950s sci-fi flick. It’s gotta have a monster.
how 'bout both?
Robbie the Robot just showed up.
19:30 on the cinimated man version for me
My gods, the EGO!
19:30!!! did you not wait until :15 past the hour as frakettiquette (and tradition) demand???
Robbie drives a futuristic rickshaw!
Altair IV was mentioned in Star Trek a few times.
TNG: Eye of the Beholder
DS9: Prophet Motive
It just rolls off the tongue, don’t you think?
Rojan’s wearing his cap sorta gangsta, no? ain’t nothin new nowhere