FlashForward (2009) Rewatch

FlashForward - Ep.2 - White To Play

Good episode.
This is one of those times when the TV series is way better than
the novel. FlashForward by Robert J. Sawyer is nowhere as interesting or exciting as this series.
This is so well done. A shame it was cancelled.

More next time.

FlashForward - Ep.3 - 137 Sekunden

Ok, to continue.


FlashForward - Ep.3 - 137 Sekunden

Demetri receives the call from the smokey-voice woman telling him about his coming murder in 3 months.

FlashForward - Ep.3 - 137 Sekunden

Evil doesn’t go away in an evil person just because he gets old.

FlashForward - Ep.3 - 137 Sekunden

“The world’s changed.
Maybe to rules have to changes too.”

FlashForward - Ep.3 - 137 Sekunden

Zoey Andata, Demetri’s fiance.

FlashForward - Ep.3 - 137 Sekunden

Geyer, an unrepentant, old Nazi imprisoned for war crimes, wants to explain to Mark Benford why the blackout lasted exactly 137 sekunden (seconds).

FlashForward - Ep.3 - 137 Sekunden

Aaron Stark because of his vision is convinced his daughter (a Marine Lt. who was reportedly was killed in Afganistan) is still alive. Now he starts his search for her.

FlashForward - Ep.3 - 137 Sekunden

Benford meets with Geiger in Germany.
He gets played.
Geyer gets a pardon and US resident status.

His info about the FlashForward is unintelligible.

FlashForward - Ep.3 - 137 Sekunden

Agt Janis Hawk:

“Mark, there is no statue of limitations on evil.
Geyer deserves his punishment.
And his victims deserve him getting that punishment.
And you can’t take that away from them on a hope.”

FlashForward - Ep.3 - 137 Sekunden

Yeah, Gina Torres. Always good to see her.

FlashForward - Ep.3 - 137 Sekunden

This Geyer is a rotten, rotting piece of crap.

He gives Benford a possible clue from the Kabbalah

FlashForward - Ep.3 - 137 Sekunden

If looks could kill. Benford would have blown the old man away.

FlashForward - Ep.3 - 137 Sekunden

“There is a future that has already happened.”

FlashForward - Ep.3 - 137 Sekunden

Demetri is understandably a wreck.

FlashForward - Ep.3 - 137 Sekunden

Benford and Hawk not seeing eye to eye on Geyer.

FlashForward - Ep.3 - 137 Sekunden

In a nutshell, what this story is about.

Wedeck (Benford’s boss):

"Something me I better get used to this grey moral decisions. We all better.
The world’s changed. Some of us, all of us, are making decisions now based on what will happen,
not what could. It makes us do things we wouldn’t ordinarily do.

You’d think knowing the future would make us less concerned about it.
But just the opposite has happened.
The future is what all of us are living for now. It’s what we’re living by."

FlashForward - Ep.3 - 137 Sekunden

Geyer’s info:

Dead crows.
Doesn’t make sense now, but will later.

FlashForward - Ep.3 - 137 Sekunden

Benford and his wife Olivia still haven’t told each other their real flashforward.

FlashForward - Ep.3 - 137 Sekunden

Nobody seems ok anymore.
Everyone walks around with haunted looks.