FIREFLY -Ep. 10+11 - War Stories + Trash

Like you said, this episode has some of the best lines.

Zoe: “That’s my man”

Book looks so practiced.

Assault Mule! :smiley:

This is probably why they had the new one in the movie.

Ok, the crew means business.

Kaylee’s hand is shaking already.

Ya, never put that together.

Go, Go, Go.

Scary Mal.

You wanna meet the real me now?

Well, that’s the explanation they gave in the novelization of the movie at least.

Somebody needs to teach Kaylee how to hold a gun.

Oh, River can.

“No power in the 'verse can stop me.” A lot creepier this time around.

And River didn’t even look !

“This is something the captain has to do himself.”
“No. No it’s not!”


Oh, what a great scene. The three of them shooting.

Stop tugging on the ear Mal.

“I was there, son. I’m fair sure you haven’t shot anyone yet.” :smiley:

Ya, Simon didn’t shoot anyone.

Kaylee was wigged out by River’s action.