FIREFLY -Ep. 10+11 - War Stories + Trash

“I am a large semi-muscular man, I can take it.” Emphasis on the “semi”.

…one less husband.

He kinda looks up to Zoe.

I threw up on your bed.

Is this that episode?

Oh boy.

Best Jayne line coming up.

Ok, altogether now.
“I’ll be in my bunk”

Wash walking on a thin line there.

…thrilling tale of bonding and adventure.

Mal is very much not pleased.

“One can not always be oneself in the company of men”

“Actually, I was fired.” And I think you’re dangerously close to having that happen again.

Oh, Wash is so out of his depth.

I believe that was an ambush.

“I’ll be in my bunk”
“Jayne, grab your weapon.”

I think that was his plan. :stuck_out_tongue:

Jayne - such a great scene !!

I’ll be in my bunk

Heh, heh, heh :smiley:

Book knows so much.
Ya, we all know who’s got them.

Zoe would be QUIET !

Yes, Zoe is terse.