Firefly 1x14 Objects in Space

Mal, getting his tightpants handed to him again. Ouch.

This exchange bothers me so, so much.

This whole conversation is just unsettling. :eek:

His calmness makes this all the more menacing shudder

just, you know, space trash, Reaver victims, and assorted dead Trek characters :smiley:

It is one of the few things in Firefly I’m not sure was the right choice. Early’s very direct, and it makes very clear that rape is all about power and not desire but nevertheless. Ugh.

Only Joss woukld work in such odd lines as the “Alliance/Lion” exchange…very, very realistic, dopey conversation.

a philosophical bounty hunter shudder

Camera operator was definitely a fan. What a pretty, pretty man. :stuck_out_tongue:

“That ain’t a shepherd.”
I need to find the extended fiction. Naow.

His random conversations are just so disturbing!

It was a threat that a woman like Kaylee would react to as he intended. It doesn’t really seem like he had any intention of doing so, despite making the same threat to Simon about her. Again, a threat that would work on him.

I want to know how Early knew

“That ain’t a Shepherd.”

So, so tantalizing…

You always know your own, just as Inara knew YoSaffBridge.

She’s in the FRAKKIN SHIP!

yeah, well. childhood spent torturing animals, a mother who knew he wasn’t right. I think the whole point is the man is disturbed and calculating

“We had a complicated childhood” LOL

Topgun says hi. He’s transferring 114GB from old computer to new, and he can’t remember his forum password (stored on the old one), so he can’t login on the iPad :smiley:

If only there were some way to reset a password…