Firefly 1x13 Heart of Gold

Aww you’re so sweet! Thank you Doug!

“You’re my kind of stupid.”

I’ve been in such company. It’s nice. Dangerous, but nice. =)

LOL Jayne and his guns hilarity

OH! It’s starting! Don’t panic!

Uh oh. Wash used the “Dear” word. Mistake…

lol the look on River’s face

“What do you think is in there?” Ppppphhhh. Ha.

Brown chicken, brown coat!

“just waiting to see if I pass out”

Damn, you, YoSaffBridge!

Woah. If the tinfoil’s rockin, don’t bother knockin’

This is very Mad Max-like

Where’s a toll booth when you need one??

“Damn! Somebody’s gotta go back and get a shitload of dimes!”

Ain’t no accounting for stupid in some people

Say goodbye to your daddy, Jonah

Amazing Grace makes everything dusty, no matter what’s happening

Indeed. That and Inara crying

alright I am practically falling asleep in the chair…good night

Ach! :frowning: This scene twisted so perfectly. Damn you Joss!

Nite Aset! And whomever else is still with us. Keir? Wake up and go to sleep!