Firefly 1x12 The Message

They had just found out the show was cancelled before this scene. :frowning:

For now, I’d prefer if we kept it that way. :stuck_out_tongue:

magical wish-granting planks!

haha spry for a dead guy

Gorram Hulu commercials! :frowning:

Ouch. I hate when I’m dead and people do that.

what? Tracy, are you having a heart attack?

Police procedures changed a little since I was little.

Hey, gold!

Jin Xian Dho?

oh Kaylee… Kaylee… don’t fall for him! at all! no more flirting!!

“i think even the sarge was a little bit afraid of her, and now she’s married.”

Tracy, not-so-wise in the ways of the world. You can still be afraid of married women.

Is it me or did Special Effects get a lot better near the end of the series??

I love the flying bit…

They probably figured they should burn through the budget, since they were cancelled anyway. :frowning:

You know they got an Emmy for FX, but I can’t remember what episode it was for.

It’s not a cave! It’s a spaceworm’s intestinal tract! :eek:

Sorry, wrong movie. :stuck_out_tongue:

See, he should have been afraid of Zoe.

“You shot me.”
“Damn right.”

Yeah, that’s just silly. Landing a spaceship in a giant worm’s throat. Ha ha ha.

so hard to keep them all sorted out, isn’t it? :smiley: