Firefly 1x11 Trash

You know, I get the impression that no one knew Sean Maher was gay, despite what a close-knit family this cast was.

That’s really sort of sad. :frowning:

He’s gay? Did not know

What gives you that impression? They could have just respected him as he is and agreed not to talk about it.

He came out…last year? Right around the time Zachary Quinto did if I remember right

Yes he came out a couple of years ago.

Really? He came out a few months ago.

Yet another husband!

Wow, just a few months ago? Oh well, thot it was a couple of yrs.

This is the rich husband who probably pays for all her space travel.

Love Mal trying not to say anything while YoSafBrig is talking to her ‘First’ husband.

When he came out on Twitter, other members of the cast seemed surprised. I mean, they’re actors, so who knows, but Jewel Staite in particular seemed put off that she was finding out when the rest of the world did.

Really? That stupid pouty thing actually works?

Unlike NPH, there weren’t even rumors about him.

All the time. :slight_smile:

“I appriciate your honesty. Not, you know, a lot.” :smiley:

I appreciate your honestly. Not, you know, a lot

Shit, I need to work on that

That’s a frakkin shame. Be who you are, and the hell with people who have a problem with it.

Stoopid Society. :frowning:

Me too. :slight_smile:

I admit I’m pretty cynical…but she makes me look like sunshine & lollipops