Firefly 1x09 Ariel

Caskets By Thule.

LOL. Nobody cares Jayne. Move along…

I’m not entirely sure how to quantify it, but the lighting in the hospital bothers me.

Oh Jayne, Jayne, Jayne

I cannot believe Jayne does this. Dbag.

Because it’s mood lighting, it’s not hospital lighting. Hospitals are much brighter than that way less shadows

How would you know?!? :wink:

Just a wild guess! :wink:

Um, I was in one?

(I know you weren’t talking to me, but I just had to butt in.) :smiley:

Once again, Zoe is awesome…that is all

She’s never NOT!

“Spongebob Squarepants band-aids…check!”

Slight…technical issue…wouldn’t they have cameras recording the med rooms? I’m pretty sure we do…

Sorry, carry on

Jayne, I really hate you right now

Simon, Nice standing up to the cops, but they have stunners and they can carry you.

I kinda like it when Simon grows a pair!

It seems he only does when he’s trying to protect River.

Oh! Is there a problem?

When isn’t there Mal? =/

These chaps seem friendly.

I know they are supposet to be above the law, but did they really need to kill the cops?