Firefly 1x05 Safe

the mystery of the Book. aaaghhhhh I WANNA KNOW!

one of the great unexplained mysteries of Firefly

Damn Fox

Nor the last coughreligiousrightcough

Well … at least they’ll be able to not explain it in non-existent season 2! :slight_smile:

we may never know

I’ve heard it speculated that he’s an ex-Operative, like in Serenity

Aren’t they supposedly going to cover that in the graphic novels?

I remember someone (DP? maybe?) mentioning that awhile back but I never heard anything beyond that. Have they even been released yet?

Because deeply religious people have never murdered or pillaged or burned or flown planes into buildings or abused children or anything else of a less-than-loving-God nature? :frowning:

Bloody. :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally, I think he was an operative. The man has skills.

Then the alliance must have a great health care system for it’s operatives.

BTW, did you know that
[spoiler]Dobson is alive[/spoiler] in the comics.

She’s a witch!! Reminds me of Willie wanting Mr. Burns as alien to kill.:smiley:

she’s a wiiiiiiiiiitch! buuuuuuuuurn her!

Some of them. But not A Shepherd’s Tale yet.

still isn’t released, if they will ever.

does she weigh the same as a duck?

I am a Shepherd. Folks like a man of God.

LOL Mal’s calling bs

Yep! God demands it!

Overarching theme of the series, Serenity = home :smiley:

I wonder if they used a post holer to set up the stake :rolleyes:

I had always assumed so, but even if not it’s a very sweet moment

and that was 7000 lol

here come the big damn heroes! :smiley: