Firefly 1x05 Safe

So, I’ve always wondered… Tam parents… they still think Simon was crazy, or do they think now that Simon was right?

Possible your not recalling some of his previous plans.

That will be an awesome scene when i get to it!

“Today, we were kidnapped by hill folk never
to be seen again. It was the best day ever.”

Wow! I guess when you have so many assets you forget about the more important ones.

They may believe he is right, but they won’t publicly say so.

I do believe that was her first acting part ever. :slight_smile:

Why must he stand up straight…since when does posture have antying to do with doctoring

Her accent was fantastic then too.

Indeed it was.

You think Mal would ever leave Kaylee behind…

It would nice to think that he confronted them with evidence after the events of the movie, but I guess we’ll never know. :frowning:

Does anyone read the comics?

How much would you pay to read what’s on that screen? Book’s Ident card.

Oh the Alliance. Bureaucratic uselessness.

And the eternal question… just exactly who IS Shepherd Book?

I wish Book’s real ID/ story had been explained at some point…

I have but only once each

Now, here comes the mystery of Shepherd’s identity…

Forget where it’s said, the dvd extras, the Firefly Companion or an interview, but the Tams were suspicious of what was going on at the Academy- but too late to get River out. They feared losing their other child if they interfered.

Does anyone read the comics?[/QUOTE]

Yep! Also, just pre-ordered my copy of the Fruity Oaty Bar print! Squee!

Place like this might be good for your sister. Quite place where folk look after one another. Place where folks kidnap people and try to burn them at the stake.