Firefly 1x03 Bushwhacked

River is wonderfully child-like. I always enjoyed that about her chacter.

You and me’s gonna have words.

Much as I love Kaylee, ain’t nobody greater than Fred. :mad:

Payback for knocking him out in the last episode.

ooo! You haven’t gotten to Spuffy yet! RAWR! 6 is my favorite season!

Ugh! Buffy talk. No can join. I sux.

I thought about it… but most of my friends are moved back to the states. The remaining ones are married, and they got little Korean kids crawling and running about. I can’t exactly drag them out drinking and clubbing all the time any more.

Never too late for Buffyverse indoctrination. :smiley:

He and I would start talking about BSG, and I would mention being on this forum, and then say that I was a geek.

It’s his keen senses and being able to read people that has really endeared him to me. :slight_smile:

Just finished “Intervention” with the Buffy Bot.

That could be easily remedied by several days of mainlining. No problem!:smiley:

wow, look at that–a shot of River’s feet. and Joss didn’t even direct this episode :wink:

I guess what surprises me about the Reavers is that the ship isn’t really a mess at all, you would think that they wouldn’t be particularly neat about the stuff they do.

You have a chance of redeeming yourself. Get the first season of Buffy and enjoy.

Mine, too. Ugh. Kids. :slight_smile:

“I followed the voices”

That’s funny.

Makes it scarier.:eek:

I’m enjoying it!

Don’t worry. That will all be taken care of when Lady D, Topgun, and I tie you down and force you to watch Buffy & Angel, A-Clockwork-Orange-style. :stuck_out_tongue:

“It’s a wonder you’re still alive”
“Looked bigger when I couldn’t see him.”

Hilaaaaaaaaaaarious :slight_smile:

How did that guy get behind the closed grate?