Firefly 1x03 Bushwhacked

Quickly remedied. Mal and Zoe entering the ship, yes?

Ball, tricycle, balloon…

There were kids on this ship. :frowning:

Oh, well. Nothin new 'bout that :rolleyes:

Hi y’all !

Oooo, a spaceship! I bet it’ll be full of friendly, happy spacefarers!

Hey! Who turned out the lights? :eek:

Creepifying. :frowning:

Hey babycakes!

And more evidence. Jayne’s a dick.

Malcolm Reynolds has left the library.

Mal asks if everyone got off OK and nobody says that’s what she said?? Lame crew.

Doug! :smiley: tacklehugs

mwuah! :slight_smile: Hi Kim! :slight_smile:

I love the way River walks very dancer-like…I have no idea why I do

Right about here should be where Shaggy and Scooby find the kitchen and then run into the ghost!

This is creepy as hell!

Yes, she moves so gracefully…Summer had extensive ballet training IRL btw.

That’s just straight-up nasty.

a G-g-g-g-ghost!?!?! :eek:

Is this the Prometheus trailers?! Ossim! :wink:

Everytime I watch this ep, I’m thankful that they didn’t show the kids strung up like that. Don’t know how I’m going to watch Cabin in the Woods. Joss does scary in a soul-crushing way. :frowning: