Firefly 1x02 The Train Job

Lucky! (kinda!) I’m almost done with Mockingjay

I don’t think it’s dislike of this one so much as wrath at Fox for not believing in Joss

Just finished today. I need to go buy baby fainting goats just to snap out of it.

No, i heard some genuine complaints, having to do with being overly preachy, verbose, etc.

I’m on page 236 of 267…does it get worse? :frowning:

I see a Juan/Shawn hug reenactment in our future darling. :smiley:

“Religiosity to the fuzzy-wuzzies…”
“Heathens-a-plenty right here…”

I’d like to see that from an outside perspective. I think I passed out from lack of oxygen being up so damn high

Is there anything better than having someone else brush your hair?

I had to step away from the keyboard and everyone shows up!
Hey Lady D, and Aset and Kdeezy!
Great to see you all here! :smiley:

Mum’s the word. I was okay with he epilogue, but the scar tissue runs deep.

“We’re there monkeys? Did some terrifying space monkeys get in?”

There were terrifying space monkeys.

Someone else braid it?

Huh. The verbose I can see, with all the exposition they had to stuff into it. Handled deftly in “Serenity” and rewritten in a weekend by Joss & Tim(?)

I’ve met them.

Not to complain, but Book just did a whole lotta plot summarizing in that last scene. There are weaknesses here, but it doesn’t diminish the love.


Great to see you doing well!

I’m having that pic enlarged & framed :slight_smile: