Firefly 1x01 Serenity

wow, first time I see the jet fighter-type craft around the Dotmunder, like the one that was used in The Message.

singing time

everybody SING!!!

~you can’t take the sky from me!~

Wow, 11 minutes before the intro.

Joss Whedon. We’ll have to watch that guy’s career, he seems to show some promise.

speaking of Badger, where’s OUR Mr B?

Heh. Honest living…

Wait, that’s an alliance uniform?

what an great artistic choice to make the lense blurr when the peak is reached.

Even back in the early days Nathan’s hair could act.

Tyderium shuttle!!!

Wow, Simon looks like a bad guy in his entrance.

Mal looks thrilled to have Book aboard doesn’t he? So cool how their relationship grew in the series.

Best food moment ever!

Sure does every time

Yeah, up until they hit each other in the comic series.

Ah, the bathing scene.

I’ll be in my you know where.

Mal’s rea tion…priceless

Anyone else reminded of BSG goo bath wake-ups here?

Tam-Bum !


Lol. Yeah. Funny how she looks like Melfina from Outlaw Star in that container.