Finding a date for Cameron

I say Johnny 5 because I think he’s better in basic oral ability.

And by oral, and I mean he’s a better communicator.

Oh My Gods!! What did you think I mean by oral?!!

You people are a bunch of pervs for thinking that :smiley: :o

I knew exactly what you meant… :rolleyes:

His I/O bus is primed and ready to go!

Giggity. ::beep::

Johnny 5 is too kind and innocent for Cameron. Sure, he’s cute and sweet but I think since Cameron spends most of her time protecting John Connor and trying to emulate human behavior she would enjoy the company of the strong and kill-all-humans type.

Cameron would choose Megatron.

Arnie is just awkward.

Why Johnny 5 is perfect for Cameron:

Cameron is nuclear powered. Cameron likes to get naked when she wants someone to touch her nuclear region. Johnny is of the Strategic Artificially Intelligent Nuclear Transport line, built to handle nuclear power. His strong yet nimble robo-arm is designed to go in deep and prod hot nuclear material in any tight spaces. (oh well what the heck, i wrote it i might was well post it…)

They are match made in heaven.

I think it would take a liiiittle time and that Cameron would like the challenge.

I approached this not as who SHOULD she pick, but who WOULD she pick.

Johnny 5 kissed Ally Sheedy. That’s all kinds of kissing Cameron would have to live up to. And, considering she’s a repurposed human killing machine, I’m going out on a limb and saying she’s not got the programming to kiss like Ally Sheedy. So, she’s not choosing Johnny 5 simply out of fear of inadequacy.

So, she has to choose between Megatron and Arnie*. I couldn’t think of a good reason not to choose Megatron, but the given reason not to choose Arnie (They’re related) is flawed. It’s like saying fish are cannibals because they eat other fish. It’s just not true. They’re more like from the same village than the same family tree.

And that’s why I chose Arnie. He’s the comfortable choice and Cameron’s got no reason not to stay as close to her comfort zone as possible.

*It’s so much easier to type (and remember) “Arnie” than it is to type (and remember) … T… whatever. 103? Sure. I don’t know.